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People With Face Tattoos Make Me Heal
Live Skin Stitch Tattoo Performance with Stacey Fayant
DATE March 16th
TIME 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
PLACE Art Gallery of Regina
Register in advance through Eventbrite

image: Stacey Fayant performs a skin-stitch tattoo image credit: Jason Hipfner
Artist Stacey Fayant will conduct a live skin-stitch tattooing performance in conjunction with the exhibition If You Prick Me, Do I Not Bleed? inviting family, community and the public to understand Indigenous Cultural Tattooing traditions as acts of healing and care.
Fayant will bestow traditional marks on her daughter in accordance with safety guidelines and traditional protocols.
The event aims to heal historical rifts for Indigenous people and shift attitudes about tattoos. The artist notes that tattooing was traditionally a community event, and invites the public to acknowledge the emotional, spiritual and physical vulnerability of the artist and her daughter. The event is free and open to all interested people.
We are pleased to present an intercultural panel discussion of traditional tattooing practices with local and international tattooists on Sunday, March 17. (Information regarding the panel discussion and registration coming soon.)
Traditional Cultural Marks Multicultural Panel Discussion
DATE March 17th
TIME 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
PLACE Art Gallery of Regina (seating limited)
HYBRID This event will also be streamed live on YouTube and Facebook Live
Register in advance through Eventbrite to get a physical spot at the gallery.

A panel discussion of Traditional Cultural Marks from a multicultural perspective is presented in conjunction with the Art Gallery of Regina's exhibition If You Prick Me, Do I Not Bleed?
The panellists reframe assumptions about tattoos informed by Western/Colonial/Christian attitudes and invite our communities to understand cultural marks as acts of care, medicine, spirituality, community-building and cultural continuity.
The event aims to share practices, traditions and insights about traditional cultural marks from Indigenous Canadian, Filipinx, Polynesian and Yoruba perspectives. Attendees can discover how tattoos connect to their identities and cultural traditions.
Our guests, some joining by video conference and some meeting in the gallery, present their area of expertise, concluding the panel with a group conversation. The panel discussion aims to create new relationships and communities founded on respectful curiosity, free conversation, and cross-cultural connection. We invite local and distant communities to join us free of charge in person (2420 Elphinstone Street) or via the Art Gallery of Regina's YouTube Live, Facebook Reels or Instagram Live.
This project is funded by the Government of Canada.