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Interested in Joining an Artists' Guild? 

Regina's art guilds have been long-time supporters of the AGR and involved members of our community!  We are delighted to share opportunities from AGR Guild Members to get involved with these engaging and supportive groups that are key contributors to the arts ecology within Saskatchewan. 

A guild is a group of artists who meet on a regular basis to inspire and motivate one another. They share ideas and information and offer constructive criticism and encouragement. Guilds also provide learning and marketing opportunities for their members, with most working towards one to two group sales each year. 

Regina has several active guilds that welcome new members:  you can read more about each guild below and see what ones will suit what you are looking for. 

SK Printmakers

Saskatchewan Printmakers is a province-wide volunteer run not-for-profit that exists to provide print artists at any career stage exhibition and networking opportunities. SKP connects artists working in print media across the province and country.

SKP holds a printmaking conference every 2 years, as well as member exhibitions in Saskatchewan.

Curious about membership? Contact:

instagram: @skprintmakers    Website:   find us on facebook! @SK Printmakers












HeArtland Artist Guild

HeARTland Artists Guild(formerly Regina North Artists Guild) was established in 1980 by 16 local artists. They formed to meet the needs of local artists wanting an avenue to encourage and foster their talents. The Guilds name was changed in 2010 to HeARTland Artists Guild. The Guild continues to create an atmosphere that promotes and encourages its members. Please contact Sheila Banga for more information. We welcome new members!



Aurora Art Guild

The Aurora Art Guild was formed in 1982 in Regina. The word "aurora" was chosen as the original members found meaning in the connection between the colours of the aurora borealis and the colours in an artist's palette. The objective of the guild is to provide a supportive art community that will nurture and strengthen each member';s creative and professional development. We encourage interaction among guild members and the art community through paint and share evenings, workshops, retreats, and shows.

Today, the Guild has a membership of about 30 artists working in a variety of styles. We work in pencil, pastel, watercolour, acrylic, oil, and mixed media. The Aurora Art Guild holds two shows/sales per year: one in October at Research Park/Innovation Place, and the other in early to mid-May. In addition to holding the shows where the members can display and sell their work, the guild provides members with opportunities for art education through workshops and retreats.

More information on the Guild's activities and membership can be found on the website at

Brushworks Art Guild of Regina

A small group of artists joined together for painting instruction in 1989. They enjoyed the camaraderie and learning experience and decided to reach out to other local artists to create an environment that fostered their passion. This small and enthusiastic group became The Brushworks Art Guild of Regina Inc. by incorporating as a registered non-profit organization in January 1997. The group now consists of twenty-five-plus members who have a passion for painting.

The Guild meets twice a month to further develop individual growth, gain knowledge, and share ideas with fellow artists who understand their goals as painters. The artists work in a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, watercolour, pastel, pencil, ink and mixed media. The Guild presents a show and sale twice yearly in spring and fall.

For more information about the Brushworks Art Guild of Regina Inc. and their member artists follow them on Facebook and Instagram, see below for their website, or contact DeLee Grant, President,

Jewellery Artists Guild of Regina

The Jewellery Artists Guild of Regina (JAGRegina) is a collaboration of local jewellery artisans ranging from part-time enthusiasts to full-time professionals. Membership is open to jewellery artists who design and fabricate original handmade items, including metal and glasswork students who wish to advance their skills. A non-profit fine arts organization, its goal is to engage members in an exchange of creative and technical knowledge involving jewellery design and fabrication. It encourages high standards of craftmanship and promotes the value and uniqueness of handcrafted jewellery to the public. The Guild hosts members’ shows/sales and facilitates participation in community events and markets.



Facebook Page:



Regina and Area Potters Guild 

The Regina and Area Potters Guild was established in 1987. A non-profit organization, its main objective is to provide fellowship and educational opportunities through classes and workshops. Interest in the guild has grown in the last few years as people are more interested in the making of and the purchase of the product.

Members are professional, hobby and student potters. Membership is open to anyone who subscribes to the objectives of the Guild and pays the annual membership fee.​

For More Information Contact:




Regina Art Collective

The Regina Art Collective (RAC), established in 2015, is a collaborative group of artists that have come together to promote their work outside of the commercial gallery model. Coming out of the structure of much larger guilds, RAC believes that a smaller collaborative group of practicing artists contributes to each artist’s personal growth and professional development, in addition to supporting the exposure of their talents and artistic endeavours.  



HeARTland Artist Guild
Brushworks Art Guild of Regina
Regina and Area Potters Guild
Jewellery Artists Guild of Regn
SK Printmakers
Aurora Art Guild
Regina Art Collective
Obuck_Catching the Sun.jpg
Jessop_Comfort Path.JPG

Prairie Artists Guild Inc.

Founded in 1988, Prairie Artists Guild Inc. is a proud participant in the arts community. Since its inception, PAG has evolved into a diverse, supportive community of up to forty visual artists. Membership is comprised of beginning to emerging artists working in wide array of media and styles. Members meet twice a month on Monday evenings. 


PAG fosters the artistic growth of members and provides opportunities to showcase artworks including a show & sale in May & October.  Every year the guild hosts a weekend workshop facilitated by an accomplished artist.   


Artists residing in Regina and surrounding area interested in joining or learning more are invited to visit our website at:

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